About Us
I started a lighting business.
Ok ok ok, so to tell the story of how Sparkled Lighting was born, we need to go way way back to February of 2013. My wife and I bought two bounce houses with our tax return... which luckily enough ended up being the exact price for the two inflatables we purchased, and needless to say, this past decade of running InflataPalooza Party Rentals has sure been a wild and fun ride.
Just like any business, an inflatable party rental business has many pros and cons. One of the biggest pros and cons of a bounce house business is that it is seasonal... and yes, that is both a pro and a con. Meaning, we have about 6 months off, which is great; however, we're also not making any money for 6 months either, which sucks.
I'd been playing around with some ideas of what services InflataPalooza could offer during the off season, and year after year I kept coming back to Christmas lights. So after a kick in the teeth (I will explain below), I finally pulled the trigger and head pitched directly into a Christmas light business in the fall of 2023.
OK, let me set the scene for you.
I absolutely love the Christmas season and the wonderful holiday spirit this time of year brings. I mean come on... snowy nights, warm crackling fire, delicious hot chocolate, the glow of a Christmas tree, classic Christmas songs playing in the background, doesn't get any better does it. Though Halloween might give it a runs for its money 😉, but that is neither here nor there.
Anyways, with Christmas being one of my absolute most favorite holidays, you'd think I'd go full on Griswold every year. Well... believe it or not, I can count on one hand 😬 how many times I've put Christmas lights up since buying my first home in 2011. Ok, to be fully honest... I can actually count with only ☝️ finger. Oh boy!
Yes I know, total Grinch move for sure. What kind of father deprives his children of the magic a spectacularly lit home provides during Christmas? "A Grinchy dad," so my kids say. Ouch 🤧!
Getting hit square between the eyes, my heart grew 3 sizes that day. From that point on, I go full on Griswold every year. My kids better brace themselves because they're gonna get much more holiday cheer year after year than they bargained for. I mean that's what dads do right? Take things a little too far sometimes. At least that's what they tell me.
After countless hours of research and preparation, the Grinch Lighting Co. was born... yes, you read that correctly. I named it Grinch Lighting Company because I wanted to share some of that same Christmas joy the Grinch (and I) eventually came to know, to other Grinches like myself. Seriously though, seeing the magic, the sparkle, the pure joy in my daughters' eyes each holiday season just gives life a whole new meaning that cannot be described, it has to be experienced.
Recently I've seen a huge demand for permanent smart lighting, so after weeks of hands on training, I now offer high-end permanent smart lighting as well. However, as awesome as the Grinch Lighting Co. name is, it doesn't particularly work for a company that not only provides an all-inclusive Christmas light service, but now also provides amazing LED smart lighting solutions year-round.
So like the genius that I am, I named it NRG Smart Lights. Yes, I was pretty much running one company with two different names... it didn't work.
After much thought, and stretching my very limited creativity to the max. I am very excited to bring to you 🥁... Sparkled Lighting, a name I think works great for both. You got the "sparkle" for Christmas, but it is also a little play on words as well, because you got "SPARK" and you got "LED". Pretty good wouldn't you say? Well, I like it at least.
Your home is more than just a structure, it truly is a reflection of who you are and what you value. From personal experience, I thoroughly believe the power of lighting can transform your home and bring so much joy and satisfaction to your family; not just for the holiday season, but year-round as well.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story, I really appreciate it!
Warm wishes & Merry Christmas!
- Ryan Kennedy
Founder of Sparkled Lighting
I sure got'er all lit up, no more Grinchy dad here! 🙌
Customizable Permanent Lighting • All-Inclusive Professional Christmas Light Installation Service • Customize Your Lights Your Way With Sparkled Lighting's Premium LED Lights!