Your signature on the quote, and/or payment of money, and/or taking possession of any Sparkled Lighting, accessories, equipment, or products, referred to herein solely as "equipment", is evidence of your acceptance of the service terms. This service agreement is made and entered on date of quote approval, by and between Sparkled Lighting, referred to herein solely as "Contractor", and the "Client".
A 50% deposit is required to schedule your install date. The remaining balance is due immediately following the completion of installation. If remaining balance is not paid in full immediately following completion, Contractor reserves the right to repossess any and all equipment at anytime.
Contractor accepts as forms of payment: Cash, ACH, Check, or Credit/Debit Card. A 3% surcharge will be added to all orders paid with Credit/Debit Card. The deposit is applied towards the total price. Client represents and acknowledges it has sufficient funds in the amount equal to the total price.
Contractor will install the outlined lighting system based on the Client’s verbal, written, or pictorial description of said property in accordance with the price quote provided to Client. Contractor reserves the right to amend pricing due to any discrepancies in the property description, subject to Client's re-approval . If there are requests for changes to location, color, or design after installation has begun, Client may be charged any additional applicable fees.
Client acknowledges and agrees that the installation method and orientation of lights are at the discretion of Contractor. Client acknowledges the risk of possible damages to property from the use of glue, staples, hooks, nails, screws, or other fasteners. Client authorizes the use of said fasteners when necessary, and releases Contractor of any and all liability of damages to the property caused by said fasteners.
Contractor maintains full ownership of all seasonal smart light and traditional Christmas light equipment provided for the lighting display. Future installation or services must be coordinated directly with the Contractor.
Client agrees not to loan, sublet, dismantle, or tamper with any equipment provided by Contractor. If any equipment is lost, stolen, or damaged by Client, or any third party, Client agrees to compensate Contractor at full price of service. Client agrees that Contractor is not obligated to replace any lost, stolen, or damaged equipment.
Client grants Contractor the right to enter premises and unrestricted access to the property at anytime to install, maintain, remove, or repossess equipment. Work performed is subject to safe weather and property conditions. Client shall prepare and clear the property so that the Contractor can work unhindered. If Contractor deems installation to be unsafe, impractical, impossible, or inappropriate, Contractor reserves the right to terminate this agreement or reschedule installation. If installation does not commence within 60 days of quote approval, Contractor reserves the right to amend pricing, subject to Client's re-approval.
Client Acknowledges the terms of Contractors Limited Warranty.
Customizable Permanent Lighting • All-Inclusive Professional Christmas Light Installation Service • Customize Your Lights Your Way With Sparkled Lighting's Premium LED Lights!